Tuesday, August 02, 2005

A snowy weekend

-2 degrees. What do you think? Let’s jst say, it wasn’t freezing, I was frozen.

I was so blardy cold even my nipples hardened. Okaaayy, I’ll spare u guys the details. Seriously, the view up there at Falls Creek is amazing… funny how mountains covered w snow & dead trees look extremely enticing to me. But, the journey up there was hell dizzy. It’s like Genting times 3 with the occasional windy Great Ocean Road for the added dizziness that we all needed. ;P We departed fr Melb 1.30am & reachd there 7.30am. It was raining & snowing at the same time.. seriously, I didn’t know thtz possible. Although I was dead tired, the minute I saw the flakes of snow, I was jumping like a kid… feeling for the first time in my life, the softness, whiteness & coldness of the snow with my bare hands.

We got ourselves rugged up, geared up w our ski gears & begin our ski lessons. It was so cold & misty tht u can’t really see anything beyond 5 feet. Probably not so scary if u’re walking but when the only thing tht u can hear is yrself & the fact tht u can’t really control yr own skiis, it is pretty scary! We practically ski & fall the whole day.. By the time we reachd our resort at night, we were so tired, we dozed off at 8.30pm.. the earliest Friday night ever.

Before tht, I think we were too tired, our brains went bonkers & we took some semi-nude pics. ;P Yup, u read tht right. Semi-nude pics. 4 girls jumpd into the bath tub tht were meant for 1person & Sze took her polaroid cam & we start posing & taking pics.. hahahaha…

Next day after 12hrs of intense sleep, we woke up w a backache. Startd our ski adventure & this time, we explord diff routes. Felt so proud of ourselves after yday’s lesson, at least even if we can’t ski, we can slide. ;D hahaha.. Went & tried out several new trails for beginners & in the end, I still bang straight to another innocent skier. Hahaha.. poor guy!

After our instant noodle dinner for the second night in a row, some new found friends fr the trip dropped by our room & we played cards over Bailey’s.. We taught them Fuzzy Duck & everyone laughed our ass off but had to stop when our neighbour start banging on our walls, cursing us to give them a peace of mind. Hey, it’s not even midnight but being the civilised considerate ppl tht we were, we decided to tell jokes instead. Errr… knowing how I laugh, I guess it wasn’t much of a difference.

Our final day was spent building snow man, having snow fights, snow wars & jst enjoying ourselves w long lunch hrs… we took so many pics, I could feel my cam shivering fr the cold.

In the end, I came back w a sprained thumb, multiple bruises, severe muscle cramps & a hole in my pocket, thinking…. THAT was my best ever ski experience!! :)


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