Monday, July 31, 2006

Work life balance

Since started working, I don't know how to distinguish between work & personal time. I think I've lament this over and over again but seriously, it's getting nowhere. Consulted a few of my colleagues and also my peers about this. Still, there doesn't seems to be much of a solution.

Is it me who does not know how to prioritise work or is it really the workload is jst too much for a person?

I hate Mondays. And I hate the feeling of dreading myself to work. As much as I enjoy what I'm doing, I feel I can't cope with it. Maybe it's just this period of time when I'm still learning & getting adjusted. Or maybe I'm jst experiencing this learning curve. Everyone's raving abt the success of the recent project but somehow, I just don't feel it.

Everyday seems pretty much work, sleep & dinner. It is only weekends that I smell freedom and find solace within close friends and family.

I wonder how it's like to leave work at 5pm.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


Surprises just work well on me. Who doesn't? Esp when it's from yr best friend. Went Shangri-la for one of the best Jap buffet in town. I walked past the main entrance with no suspicion or whatsoever.

And suddenly at the corner of my eye, I saw Hawch sitting at the table the waitress were leading us too. Gosh! You can imagine the shock at my face. Truly unexpected. The last time the two teamed up for another unexpected surprise was when Cupcake appeared right at my front door when I came back fr my Fiji trip. Man, truly shocking!

Thanks, you two! It really made my day. Send us the pics Hawch. and thanks for the wallet. =)

adding to that, franco called. haven't hear his voice for a very long time too... all the scenes fr Hong Kong were playing in my mind when he called. enjoy yrself w Seacow in Japan. do appreciate those carefree moments while u can!!

Currently looking forward to next week's surprise!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Funny how things turn out

I like the feeling of overwhelming satisfaction when you look at yr work and you'll say to yourself, "I've done it!". The big project we've all been working for is finally over and done. The bosses fr France are impressed. My bosses are impressed. My colleagues are impressed. And all their encouragement and praises are enough to overcome the fatigue and frustration.

Still, I'm terribly burn out. Hv only been getting 4hrs (or less) sleep for the past few weeks. And knowing me, it's like telling myself no ice-cream for 1 month.

Good news though. I received my confirmation. :) :) not much of a change in work, jst the feeling of being appreciated.

Boss granted me 2 days of unrecorded leave. And man, it was good. Had enough of sleep. Even better, spent time with loved ones.

Had lunch with Yvonne and the gang on thurs. Enjoyed all our chit-chatting sessions. It's good to spend every single moment together, catching up on lost times. Chilled out with Sophia on Thurs night. She brought me to her "territory". We were pouring our hearts out over beers. It was good. and fulfilling.

Had one of the best yum cha at Shangri-la with mum on Fri. It was her treat for my confirmation and the end of a huge project at work. Thanks mum, for being ever so encouraging. She was telling me how she felt we spent more time talking while I was in Melb than in KL. Felt so guilty tt I was so tied up w work. Made a promise that I'll try to leave the office at 8pm everyday, unless I couldn't avoid it.

Met up w cupcake, CC & Tiff on Fri night. Another good catch-up. Mainly w cupcake coz I miss her damn much. She was still cuddly & chubby. hehee... went for nasi lemak in Ampang, followed by ice-cream in Friday's. CC is darn funny. Excited with upcoming plans... *nyek nyek*

Sat night was spent partying with pjin and the gang at Velvet. First time the whole gang is there. and it was so much fun. it was something we jst needed to do before sam and amanda fly off on tues and wed. it's been so long since i last went clubbing and in fact, the first since I came back. while i was inside, it reminds me so much of my clubbing experience w cupcake, val, franco n richie. those were the days........

Franco, i'm sure u're happy to be back in HK. :) would love to come n visit u again one day w cupcake. Richie, wondering how u're doing. saw yr pics and again, u never fail to make me laugh!!! *bluek*

Sunday, July 09, 2006

I had a dream

I had a weird dream.

I had a dream that I was back in Melbourne. I was close to comfort. I was in the arms of Cupcake, Franco, Richie, Jen, June, Elina..... & all my other friends that I was so accustomed to. I was hanging out with them, laughing & making fun of each other like we used to.

In my dream, I saw my bro & Audrey, Vera, TK, Ashley & Angie... we were hanging out after church jst like we used to.

I saw the places I used to hang out. Max Brenner, Little Collins St, RMIT, Franco's hse.........

I dreamt that I was promoted. Boss was raving about how proud he was with my work that he gave me a promotion and a pay rise.

I dreamt that I was back in Jeremy's arms.

I dreamt abt the comfort zone that I was so used to. I dreamt of the life I had in Melbourne and thinking how different it is now.

I dreamt that I was in this long winding road in which I couldn't see where it leads to. When I look left, I saw Krystal, Franco, Richie & the rest, each standing at a different road. I turned to my right & I saw Jen, June & the rest standing at their own roads too. I remember seeing all of their puzzled looks.

The rest I couldn't quite recall but I remember feeling very comfortable & relax.

Was it really a dream?
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