Monday, December 11, 2006

1 month in 1 entry

When work and social life gets the better off you, you neglect your poor blog. My brother was just being a plain busy-body yesterday and this was the conversation we had:

Little brat:"What's about you and blogging?"
Me: "What's about you and those girls?"

Good things first. I got my first ever promotion!!! *jumping* Yes, it's the time of the year again. My first ever year end review and it went well. :) Of course, there were the bits and pieces to improve but what the heck.. nobody's perfect!!

Another bouncy news - Sam's back for good!!! :) :) :) *muacks* You have no idea how much i miss this woman. Finally!! saw her 2 days ago @ Murni. Can't stop pinching her when i saw her. Lucky her we met at a public mamak.. otherwise, she'll risk me pouncing on her. But sadly, Amanda's leaving on Wed. :( When one comes back, one has to leave........ haih~ when does it ever end? Sudden thought about working in Paris...... hmmmm.... wonder how it's like!

Then, it was the memorable wedding of Dian & Jared. There's only 1 word to describe it - breathtaking. It is by far the most creative wedding I've ever attended. They have all this personal touch that makes the whole wedding so THEM.

Instant photographs taken with tools ready for a quick message.. how cool is that!

And then, there was another friend who's gonna get married soon.. next year actually. She came down from Sabah and we throw her an engagement cum catch-up party @ La Bodega. It was a pink affair.......... Congratulations Marie! You managed to conquer a relationship which I've always admired - your high school sweetheart.

Congrats Marie!

How can i fail to mention Zijill's surprise birthday party?!... Oh, it was a blast. Not the place though. should've choosed a better location than Soul Out. It's a great place to hang out but too noisy for serious conversations. I would give anything to see that look in her face again when she saw the whole gang sitting there at the corner with a smirk at their face. Happy birthday pal... always remember "The only reason why you're feeling this special is because you ARE special"..

we can't help it..

This is my workstation:

It's less messy in real life.Productive workstations only comes with great colleagues

Yes, it's a yellow duck and a pink dog holding on to a heart-shaped love. It was given to me and it shall by no means, categorised me as a girl who love bears. I mean, it's pretty obvious right....?!

And this is a picture of me and a man I admired, loved and hate:

Do we look alike?

Currently feeling: Excited about family trip to Korea in 2 weeks time.

Question: What do you do when your best friend of 7 years confessed his feelings again?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would put my hands on his shoulders, look deep into his eyes and say, 'look buddy, I hate to disappoint you, but I don't really like you in that way and I'm so not gay...sorry...'

Monday, December 11, 2006 4:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, so what's about you and blogging? And what's about you and girls?

p.s. congrats on your promotion, i foresee another successful year ahead for you, and it's winter in korea, so bring lots of warm clothing...

Monday, December 11, 2006 4:43:00 AM  
Blogger Ze Ann said...

Thanks Hawch... Quick response I get! haha.. my best friend is a guy la.

Abt me and blogging: it's a place to de-stress. It's a raw piece of my mind, depending on how much u know me.

Yes, already started unpacking my winter clothes fr Melbourne that was miserably left in the shelf.

Monday, December 11, 2006 4:59:00 AM  
Blogger Ze Ann said...

Btw, since when I told u I'm not gay? *gasp*


Monday, December 11, 2006 5:00:00 AM  
Blogger mercurysolace said...

congrats girl! cant wait to see the whole bunch this sunday =)

Friday, December 15, 2006 2:41:00 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Another exciting entry for me to read. But the more I read it the more I miss you. 'Malaysia's gain is Australia's lost'!


p.s. What was it that you liked about Dian and Jared's wedding? Just curious.

Friday, December 15, 2006 8:13:00 PM  
Blogger June said...

Congrats, my Irene girl!!=)
Always proud of U..U know that?
Anyway, have great trip in Korea..ok. U deserve it!


Saturday, December 16, 2006 7:36:00 PM  

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