Saturday, November 04, 2006

Great birthdays are meant for great people!

Yes, you know who I'm referring to. Birthday preparations started a week ago. But despite all the planning and arrangements, it didn't quite worked out the way I want it to be. Still, looking at the smile at her face, seeing her high school sweetheart & her friends all in 1 table, i think that would be one of the best birthday gift.

Lesson to learn: Never assume you know everything abt a friend, eventhough they're pretty close to u. I planned a birthday treat/ suprise thingy for her today. A big breakfast treat + an aromatherapy body massage...... only to realise she hates body massage!!! *darn* ...

Oh well, at least the brekky was good.

On another random note, it's coming to a year since I'm back from Melbourne. Time flies, isn't it?!.. Hv been thinking a lot recently abt career explorations and potential partners. Is it weird to aim high? What do I wanna do in future? Build highways, open a cosy cafe, owning hotels, set up my own manicure bar??? How about own a shopping complex? Someone once told me, it's okay to dream. At least you have one.

In an attempt to understand myself better, I've been observing a lot. Mostly my friends and people around me. It seems that I've been spending a lot of time and mental effort talking to myself. And so I identified 4 people tht potentially could be more than friends. But darn, one's married, one's got a girlfriend of 2 yrs, one's too career-minded and the other is not a Christian.

Congratulations to Brandon & Joseph on their new career endeavours.

Currently looking forward: Zijill's birthday suprise + a full reunion.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

"Cherish the love you had yesterday, that you still had today and look forward to cherishing the love you shall have tomorrow"

That was the exact words written on the backdrop of Elina & Kelvin's wedding. And there I was, with cupcake, sitting at Table 52, laughing our asses off at every little thing - from the blur waiter who didn't understand English to the aunty sitting next to us to all the funny-looking guests sitting nearby.

Wedding bells started a yr ago when El broke the news that she's getting married one fine day during one of our weekly coffee sessions in Melbourne. Or rather, I forced her to tell me. And after a yr of diamond window-shopping and all those future mother-in-law bitching sessions, she's finally Mrs Goh. *awwwwwww*

She is officially my first friend's wedding. The special day started with lots of funny games for the groom and his best men. They have to perform random stuff like drinking glasses of sweet, sour, bitter and spicy liquid, eating hanging grapes off the groom's penis, unwillingly volunteer to let their leg hair being plucked by the bride's sisters. You get the picture.

Tea ceremony was a bit too long for me to bear, considering that i barely know her family members. Bumped into Ben, Amanda's boyfriend. What a small world huh!! The best bit was El's personal touch for her wedding. To make her wedding more unique and more El, she added some pictures of artistic photos with Kel, taken at Melbourne. It wasn't the usual wedding pics. it was something different. something very unique. something very El.

I like attending wedding functions.. 1 because it's a valid excuse to indulge in my vanity.. experimenting on make-up, polishing nails, wearing pretty dresses and sophisticated heels. 2 coz occassionally i like being in a different environment with my best friend sitting at the corner chatting our hearts away. 3 coz I like to see the happy, chessy romantic smile on El's face.

Congrats, dear El..

She left for Melbourne last Tues. I'm sad. But I'm satisfied coz despite her busy wedding preparations, we spent time. Catched up with her last week for a hearty bitching session. Yeah! A coffee session after 1 year. And wedding shoes shopping @ Salabianca. I have to say, their shoes are gorgeous with delicate finishing and carefully-chosen colors.

Ever wondered what's yr dream wedding?

My latest obsession: Nicely-painted nails.
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